About me
I'm passionate about women's health and raising awareness of the often devastating effects that stress, anxiety, trauma and emotional distress can have on our mind, body and spirit.
Women are the nurturers, the leaders, the healers, the peace makers, the carers, the community builders and the corner stone of the family. Women's wellness must be a priority.
My mission: To raise awareness and offer fast and effective solutions to the devastating effects of stress, anxiety, trauma and emotional distress on the mind, body and spirit of women.
Special Focus: Teaching practical skills and techniques for everyday use, putting the power to manage stress effectively in the hands of everyone who needs it, working to the 4 essential pillars Heal, Empower, Educate, Connect
Bio: Founder of The Life 2 Project • Practitioner • Facilitator
I developed the Life 2 Project to address the deep need for women who have experienced abuse to be able to effectively release embedded trauma, heal the past and take real self-care and self-value forward into a future that is of their own design.
EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
I offer retreats, workshops and private sessions focused on healing trauma, releasing embedded destructive beliefs and opening intuition, emotional strength and future vision.
Certified in:
EFT - Level 1 and 2, Advanced Evidence Based EFT for Trauma
Matrix Reimprinting - 5 Levels - Matrix Reimprinting Foundational Practitioner training, Matrix Specific Issues, Matrix Birth Reimprinting, and EFTMR Trainer for Personal Use, Matrix Past Life Reimprinting
I work very successfully with these highly effective and transformative tools and have been continuing to develop my skills for well over a decade. I bring my own deep insight, understanding and knowledge of the trauma experience to this beautifully gentle work to guide women to their own resolutions.
My story: Several years ago I began my journey back to myself. I was fearful - dreading my own future. I was hurting, disconnected, full of self-loathing and shame. The dreams I'd had for my life were crushed.
My choices were simple. I could keep doing what I'd been doing , accept and live with my pain and misery, or connect with my shadow self that held all that pain, and meet her with love.
The idea of playing out my life repeating the increasingly destructive patterns was simply not tolerable. I chose to step into change, and I knew that the responsibility to do so was mine alone.
I began my healing journey, I began to search for answers and I began to recognise and reconnect with myself. I started to feel the power that victim mentality had over me and saw that all of my choices and decisions were driven from fear, so no wonder I was sabotaging any hope I had for success and happiness. I gathered knowledge, I sought out experiences, and I chose to not shy away from accepting the challenges OR the responsibility for my own future.
My work
I have been working one on one with private clients, speaking at events and facilitating groups, workshops and retreats since 2014. The modalities I work with enable my vision to assist people to release past trauma, to overcome personal challenges and difficult emotional states, and to achieve a life where peace and balance are the norm. I've developed my skills over time to now specialising in post crisis work with women who have experienced domestic and family violence. This area of work is a very special passion, though I have an increasingly broad range of experience with many clients and a wide spectrum of individual issues ranging through effects from adverse childhood experiences (ACE's), issues relating to birth trauma, phobias, depressive states, anxiety, chronic stress, work/study stress, PTSD, pain, self-sabotaging behaviour, addictions, eating behaviours, blocks to creating income, performance anxiety, and deeply embedded beliefs about self-sacrifice and self-care.
I guide you to be able to explore, identify and move through emotional challenges, negative states and life limiting beliefs. It is possible to release the belief that you at the mercy of your circumstances, your heritage or your emotions and step into your true vital self with confidence and purpose.
I advocate for women to be, do and have what's important to them, and help them to tap into these fundamentals of life.
For a free initial consultation or to just have a chat connect with me here.
I'm passionate about women's health and raising awareness of the often devastating effects that stress, anxiety, trauma and emotional distress can have on our mind, body and spirit.
Women are the nurturers, the leaders, the healers, the peace makers, the carers, the community builders and the corner stone of the family. Women's wellness must be a priority.
My mission: To raise awareness and offer fast and effective solutions to the devastating effects of stress, anxiety, trauma and emotional distress on the mind, body and spirit of women.
Special Focus: Teaching practical skills and techniques for everyday use, putting the power to manage stress effectively in the hands of everyone who needs it, working to the 4 essential pillars Heal, Empower, Educate, Connect
Bio: Founder of The Life 2 Project • Practitioner • Facilitator
I developed the Life 2 Project to address the deep need for women who have experienced abuse to be able to effectively release embedded trauma, heal the past and take real self-care and self-value forward into a future that is of their own design.
EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
I offer retreats, workshops and private sessions focused on healing trauma, releasing embedded destructive beliefs and opening intuition, emotional strength and future vision.
Certified in:
EFT - Level 1 and 2, Advanced Evidence Based EFT for Trauma
Matrix Reimprinting - 5 Levels - Matrix Reimprinting Foundational Practitioner training, Matrix Specific Issues, Matrix Birth Reimprinting, and EFTMR Trainer for Personal Use, Matrix Past Life Reimprinting
I work very successfully with these highly effective and transformative tools and have been continuing to develop my skills for well over a decade. I bring my own deep insight, understanding and knowledge of the trauma experience to this beautifully gentle work to guide women to their own resolutions.
My story: Several years ago I began my journey back to myself. I was fearful - dreading my own future. I was hurting, disconnected, full of self-loathing and shame. The dreams I'd had for my life were crushed.
My choices were simple. I could keep doing what I'd been doing , accept and live with my pain and misery, or connect with my shadow self that held all that pain, and meet her with love.
The idea of playing out my life repeating the increasingly destructive patterns was simply not tolerable. I chose to step into change, and I knew that the responsibility to do so was mine alone.
I began my healing journey, I began to search for answers and I began to recognise and reconnect with myself. I started to feel the power that victim mentality had over me and saw that all of my choices and decisions were driven from fear, so no wonder I was sabotaging any hope I had for success and happiness. I gathered knowledge, I sought out experiences, and I chose to not shy away from accepting the challenges OR the responsibility for my own future.
My work
I have been working one on one with private clients, speaking at events and facilitating groups, workshops and retreats since 2014. The modalities I work with enable my vision to assist people to release past trauma, to overcome personal challenges and difficult emotional states, and to achieve a life where peace and balance are the norm. I've developed my skills over time to now specialising in post crisis work with women who have experienced domestic and family violence. This area of work is a very special passion, though I have an increasingly broad range of experience with many clients and a wide spectrum of individual issues ranging through effects from adverse childhood experiences (ACE's), issues relating to birth trauma, phobias, depressive states, anxiety, chronic stress, work/study stress, PTSD, pain, self-sabotaging behaviour, addictions, eating behaviours, blocks to creating income, performance anxiety, and deeply embedded beliefs about self-sacrifice and self-care.
I guide you to be able to explore, identify and move through emotional challenges, negative states and life limiting beliefs. It is possible to release the belief that you at the mercy of your circumstances, your heritage or your emotions and step into your true vital self with confidence and purpose.
I advocate for women to be, do and have what's important to them, and help them to tap into these fundamentals of life.
For a free initial consultation or to just have a chat connect with me here.