A full day to learn & practice
Interactive Training DayThis is your opportunity to experience a full days training in EFT and Matrix Reimprinting for your personal use and/or as your pre-Practitioner training.
Have you felt stuck in life? Do you want to try new things but feel uncertain or indecisive, not good enough, held back by some indefinable and frustrating fear? Feel like you can’t move forward, like you are stuck in a loop, repeating old patterns? Is the voice in your head loud and overwhelming and keeping you feeling stressed? Is your work/life balance all out of whack? Is there any balance at all? Have you been feeling there has to be more to life? You will work on several of your own issues while learning these powerful techniques. Backed by Scientific ResearchEFT has been under clinical study for over a decade and the results show that it is highly effective in trials working with returned war veterans suffering PTSD, long term weight reduction and control with clients suffering from obesity, eating disorders and food cravings, depression and more.
Studies are showing that EFT is equivalent or surpasses efficacy of established psychology processes such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and counseling. Matrix Reimprinting has it's basis in EFT and reaches greater depths quickly, easily and safely. Links to research and clinical studies |
Wide Ranging BenefitsEFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques or Tapping) and Matrix Reimprinting using EFT, access our innate ability to heal from negative past events, issues or traumas.
These techniques can be used for any beliefs, emotional states and conditions including:
* The full Practitioner training covers these issues Pre-Practitioner TrainingMatrix Reimprinting Practitioners assist clients to have profound shifts in many physical and emotional issues.
Practitioners backgrounds range from doctors, metal health professionals, nursing staff, natural and complementary practitioners to individuals and parents who want to assist family and friends. This one day training will give you the basics of both EFT and Matrix Reimprinting techniques and the fee will be deducted from the full practitioner training fee if you decide to proceed to practitioner level. *One full day training fee $165, redeemable against further practitioner training fees. *Practitioner Training with Caroline Dawson, EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Australian National Trainer. |
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I have the privilege of serving and creating a vision for healing trauma on Yuggera and Yugembeh Lands. I give deep gratitude and offer respect to the local Elders of the community of which I am proud to be a part. I honour their generosity, wisdom and leadership. May we all learn and integrate the ancient knowledge available through human connection.