Clear the energy from traumatic memoriesWe all have memories, whether from childhood or later in life, that have caused us discomfort, hurt, or at the extreme end of the scale, intense pain and trauma.
The you that is remembering can experience the same physical sensations as the younger you who resides in that memory and physically had those experiences. A belief is formed at the time of that experience, either about ourself, or about the world we live in, and that belief carries through all of our life experiences. More often than not this belief is not a conscious one, but it impacts on our decision making, our behaviour, our relationships our wider beliefs and our understanding of the world. Why do you do what you do? Think how you think? Feel how you feel? Is something holding you back? |
I'll give you an example from my own life. For as long as I can remember I had not felt comfortable in my own skin, I felt as if I weren't good enough, smart enough, I was constantly critisizing and comparing myself to others. But more than that, I truly felt that I could never be accepted, because I wasn't acceptable, though this made no sense to me on a conscious level. I did the affirmations, spent thousands on sessions and courses, regressed, danced, meditated, screamed and Ho'oponoponoed till the cows came home. I didn't know what I was looking for, I didn't know how to even start the process of searching within myself. I was looking outside for the answers. Using this gentle technique I opened up my subconscious and took me straight to the core of what had been the catalyst for my emotional distress. I accessed a long forgotten memory from when I was five years old. I was the oldest of three girls and my mum was about to give birth to a fourth child. The news came home with my dad from the hospital that the baby was another girl and I remember my dads disappointment, that he had wanted a boy this time. This had a massive impact on my five year old belief system. To me it meant that not only was I not good enough, but my entire gender was not good enough, and had less value than boys. The most significant male in my life had destroyed my self worth in ten seconds flat. Accessing this memory and understanding the repercussions this one event had on my entire life has brought about a shift in me that I could not have imagined. By altering my perception of that one event and being able to alter it in the past as a five year old has had a profound ripple effect. A complete and absolute release of an untruth I held onto for so long. And it took less than an hour... There are potentially thousands of memories that have influenced our belief system, both positive and negative, and there will be many repercussions of the negative beliefs that are being held on to and playing out. The problem is not the memory itself, but when we experience a sudden, unexpected, traumatic life event our body/mind freezes as way of protecting us. The emotions of the shocking event are also trapped, held in place in our energy field, and the field of each cell in our body, enabling us to avoid experiencing the complete trauma at the time. The feelings get snap shotted and held creating an energetic disruption. Physical manifestations like illness and disease, weight issues, phobias, and psychological and mental issues are now scientifically understood to have their basis in our emotional environment. Those trapped emotions are the fertile ground for conditions and illness to develop. |
Change your beliefs,
This video from Dr Bruce Lipton is a great explanation of how our thoughts and feelings impact our physical body. |